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Physical Computing: Physical Interaction

"Much of the technical work of physical computing is about figuring out what forms of energy a person is generating, and what kind of transducer you can buy or build to read that energy. "


---Electricity: the Basics

Course Content: Arduino, electric circuit, sensors, etc.

Time: 2020/09/02 - 2020/12/09

Instructor: Yeseul Song

# Class 10: Motor

DC motor

Using potentiometer to control the DC motor

Problems & Solution

The important thing in this circuit connection is the direction of the diode. I reversed the direction of the diode at the first time, so the circuit didn't work.

The function of the diode

"There is a diode connected across the connections of the motor. Diodes only allow electricity to flow in one direction (the direction of their arrow)."


Using button and H-bridge to rever the direction of the DC motor

Problems & Solution (But don't know the reason)

At the first time I connected the button, I didn't follow the lab diagram. Because the button connect to the digital pin2, which is also the PULL_UP pin, I only connected one button pin to digital pin2 and another pin to the ground. However, the H-bridge and motor became extremely hot.

While I change the connection of the button, connected one pin to the 5V and another pin to the ground and digital pin2, the motor worked.

Stepper motor


I brought a stpper motor already connected with ULN2004 driver, which is more convenient  to connect. I used the example coder from the seller, it rotates in just one direction. When I tried to use the code in lab, the motor only viberated but didn't move.

I think the problem is the setting of revolution, but I don't know the number of my motor.

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